When you’re desperate for emergency funds, it doesn’t take long to learn who actually cares about you, and who is truly a friend. if they are family or not
Here are some emergency budgeting pointers.
Budgeting Tip #1: The first thing you should do is prioritize in order to get back on track as soon as possible. If that means putting off paying your credit card payment for a while, so be it. As soon as you discover you have a financial emergency, call your credit card companies and ask for lower interest rates and payments. Not just one, but both!
Budgeting Tip #2: Call your creditor and request a payment extension for your auto payment. Maybe you despise payment extensions since they cost money and you still have to pay at the conclusion of the contract. In this instance, a payment extension might provide you some breathing room while you recover from your financial emergency. Expect to pay a charge for the extension (typically between 1/4 and 1/3 of the car payment amount). At this time, your primary and exclusive purpose is to free up the funds you require right now.
Budgeting Tip #3: See if your mortgage holder will agree to an extension for a little charge. Do it right now!
Budgeting Tip #4: Holding an on-the-spot yard sale is another quick fix. You don’t have much time to plan, so do a fast survey of your personal goods. Bring clothing that no longer fits but is in good shape, knick-knacks, dishes, and books, as well as items you purchased but no longer use. Put everything together quickly. Post notices at laundry mats and grocery stores around town the same day, and remember to put a sign at the end of your driveway. This is an easy method to make $300 in a short amount of time.
Budgeting Tip #5: If you have a larger item to sell, check local radio stations on weekends to see if they offer a “call-in swap show.” This is a common method for quickly converting gently used and more expensive items into cash.
Budgeting Tip #7: Check with your family church for emergency help. Local churches may be excellent sources of information about what is available in the community to assist persons in need or in emergency situations. First, check with your local church.
Getting Fast Cash through Borrowing
Consider borrowing if you are definitely, positively, in a bind, a true cash emergency, and you have explored all of the above options. Ask your family first, then your local bank.
As a last resort, you might wish to pursue a “Payday Loan.” When all else fails, these sorts of borrowing businesses might come in handy.