When you finish your high school education, there is no question that you will enroll in college. When a kid reaches the age of 20, they are often no longer covered by their parent’s insurance, which might be troublesome if they are not working and are only attending college. Many colleges, however, provide health insurance policies. It takes some thought to determine if one of these insurance plans is best for you.
College health insurance coverage will differ from one campus to the next. Many individuals believe they are free, yet this is not the case. While doctor visits and basic exams are normally free, lab work and any specialist visits will be charged to the student. Benefits often cover just certain types of covered services at the campus health facility. If you need to see a doctor outside of your network, your coverage may be reduced by up to 70%, and you may be required to pay a large deductible.
If you have a pre-existing condition, seeking treatment at the campus health facility may be difficult. Having a pre-existing sickness or disability does not prevent you from getting a college health insurance plan, but you may be unable to receive treatment for that pre-existing condition. If a new condition occurs as a result of a pre-existing sickness, this might cause a number of problems.
Every plan is unique, so learn everything you can about your college’s plan. Check to see if you or your child will be covered over the summer months while students are not attending classes. This is significant since you do not want to have an accident and discover that the insurance is no longer applicable because they are not in class. Many colleges provide coverage throughout the summer, but some do not.
Make sure you know the approach. Is it an HMO, or may the member choose any provider? This is equally crucial since you want to know where you can go in the event of an emergency, and nothing is worse than finding after the fact that you will be required to pay the entire amount for a medical bill.
There is no conclusive answer as to whether you should or should not get college health insurance. Make certain that you fully comprehend your plan so that no complications develop in the case of an emergency. While it is not free insurance, it will certainly help you save money in the event of an accident or illness.